Monday, September 14, 2009

Continuous Integration and Dependency Management

If you're not using continuous integration and dependency management systems, you should be. I use Maven with Hudson, and the results have been spectacular (although Hudson/Cobertura seems to have some issues with double reporting test coverage in maven2 projects, but I've been able to work around that).

My introduction to continuous integration was a few years ago, and I immediately saw the benefits of the continuous build. I was working on a multi-site team and didn't always know what everyone was doing at any given time. Having a continuous build gave me a high degree of confidence that the system was working reasonably well. I knew when tests broke immediately and it was generally clear where the problems were occurring so they could be fixed easily. Watching the build logs, I could see which parts of the system were most active and it was easy for me to focus on learning more about those parts. But, I think by now a lot of us have seen these benefits.

Dependency management, on the other hand, seems to be a newer technology. Although Maven and ant have been around for a while, in projects I've worked on, they weren't as widespread. If you aren't using a dependency management system, you're probably doing something like uploading the .classpath file from Eclipse into your repository, which now binds everyone to Eclipse, or people are responsible for manually setting the project in their IDE to link to all of the libraries in the lib folder and finding that something doesn't work when a new library gets added.

Enter the POM. In maven, the POM has a nice, clean declarative xml syntax for declaring a dependency.


And that's it, now you've pulled in the maven-project jars (maven supports transitive dependencies as well, so if X depends on Y, and you import X, it will import Y as well). Maven provides an impressive central repository ( and there are numerous repository manager tools (Apache Archiva and Sonatype Nexus for examples). If you haven't realized by now, I'm excited by Maven and happy to rid myself of ant.

1 comment:

  1. I've used Continuum/Cobertura and we had the same issue with double-reporting test coverage. Our lead looked at fixing it once or twice but never fixed it since it was the lowest priority item at the time.

    Kudos to using Maven for dependency management.
